Monday, December 31, 2007

Sophie's First New Year

For New Year's, we all went down to New Rochelle, NY to visit with Liz' family and some of her friends. It was lots of fun. Although Sophie almost stayed up to New Year's day (she fell asleep at 11:53 pm), her favoritist part of the visit was visiting with Cousin Naomi for a late Chanukah feast. During her visit, she grabbed her cousin, pulled her toward her, and planted 4 extra large, big kissies on her face!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sophie's First Christmas

Sophie is finding that being half-Jewish and half-Christian definitely has its benefits! For Christmas, she went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house and got to have a tasty Christmas dinner (complete with some grown-up food) and then she got some more presents! She also got to spend some time with her cousin, Miranda, whom she thought extremely interesting.

Unfortunately, the day after christmas has not been as nice. Mommy thought there might be something wrong with Sophie, so she took her to the Pediatrician. Sophie was unpleased with the visit and insisted on screaming very loudly and becomming very sweaty with discontent. When the ordeal was over, Mommy found out that Sophie has yet another ear infection and now weighs 20 pounds 4 ounces! Anyway, Sophie is back on antibiotics. Poor Sophie!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

Body Movin'

Well, Sophie is finally popping up on her knees all by herself! We're hoping to see a nice tushy wiggling across the floor anytime now. Sophie just wants to figure out how to get to a kitty more quickly.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Our 3/4 Year Birthday!

Sophie turned 9 months old yesterday. She spent the day playing, running errands with Mommy, unwrapping even more Chanukah presents, and sleeping. Today, she went to the doctor and had her measurements taken. She also got her ear cleaned because it was waxy. She may never forgive Mommy or the Doctor for that indignity. She is also angry for the pinprick test for anemia and lead poisoning that occurred.

Anyway, her stats are:

a weight of 20 lb 9 ounces, which is between the 50th and 75th percentiles
a height of 29.25 inches, which is 90th percentile
a head circumference of 46.8 centimeters, which is 95th percentile

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Sophie's first Hanukkah

We had a lot of fun on the first night of Hanukkah. Mommy lit some candles, including the ones on our very own menorah, and we opened lots of presents!

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Holiday style

Here's the holiday decorations. I'll probably buy more lights for next year, but this at least is a start. Note the silly big blue ornaments hanging on the porch.

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Friday, November 30, 2007

more then and now

Sophia and Hunter, March 30 2007 (3 weeks old):

Sophia and Hunter, July 4 2007 (3 months 4 weeks):

Sophia and Hunter, August 20 2007 (5 months 2 weeks):

Sophia and Hunter, November 28, 2007 (8 months, 3 weeks old):

Monday, November 26, 2007

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hanging out with our cousin

We had a fun time at Thanksgiving, hanging out with mommy's family. My cousin and I played in our playpen for a bit:

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

New photo album up

So we have added her Month 9 album at

Don't forget: you can see all her pics there, at

Stylish women on the couch

Sophie and Holly hanging out on the couch. They are both very pretty and they KNOW it!

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Sophie laughing

Sophie during Labor Day weekend

Friday, November 2, 2007

Halloween and Toothususus

Sophie had a very busy week. First, she ran a mid-range fever that got Mommy very nervous, so she went to the doctor and was told she had an ear infection. Sophie didn't mind too much though as she thinks her amoxycillin is very tasty.

Then, she had two new teeth break through her gum line. Now Sophie has 4 real toothususus and she will probably have 2 more by Thanksgiving!

In other growing up news, Sophie seems to have real baby babble words. When she says "Baba" she actually wants to drink from her bottle. And, when she says "Mmm Mmm" in exasperation, it means "I'm hungry, why haven't you fed me my solids yet. At least give a girl some cherrios!" We think she got this from Mommy who always says "Mmm Mmm" when feeding Sophie solids.

Finally, Sophie got to celebrate her very first Halloween! She spent it mostly napping, but she did get to hand-out some candy while dressed as her alter-ego, Supergirl. She had a good time, but Mommy and Daddy are regretting buying so much candy, especially Mommy.
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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Hangin' with Nomes

Sophia went down to New York this weekend to visit her Grams, Gramps, Aunt Lolly, Uncle Alan, and her Cousin Naomi. She had a really great time and especially enjoyed her first bagel and all of Naomi's toys.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Super Girl!!!

Today, Sophie went on her first Halloween hay ride at Smolak Farms. She went with her friend, Lauren, and her boyfriend, Evan. She also got to meet one of Evan's friends, Tanya. Sophie also got see a llama, an alpaca, some goats and sheep, and a Zebu at the farm's petting zoo. She had a lot of fun, but it was so cold, she couldn't show anyone her cute Costume. Lucky for her, Mommy and Daddy decided to photograph her in it at home.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Apples and geeks

Today we went apple picking at the Tougas Family Farm in Northboro, MA. It was a lot of fun, we got the giggles when daddy put us on the swing. I tried some apple, and I liked it. I ate a small piece all by myself. I saw lots of goats, and they did things.

Afterwards we went to WPI, which is the place where daddy learned how to do the thing that makes him leave me every day! I saw a goat, but it didn't say or do anything. I think it's the mascot or something.

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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Uncle Skippy

Uncle Skippy and Aunt Jen came by today, it was very exciting. I like Skippy because he has a goatee and is tall. However, I don't like the camera. The flash bothers me!

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Friday, September 21, 2007

new house!

All our stuff arrived Thursday night. We are spending all our time unpacking. We had our 1st day of day care today too. we were mostly ambivalent about it.

Check our month 7 album for a few messy house pics.

Here's our first bath in the new house:
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Monday, September 10, 2007

Happy half birthday!

Today we had our 6 month appointment. We were ok until vaccination time at which point we cried a ton. We currently weigh 18 lb even, and are 26.25 inches long, putting us in the 90th percentile for weight and the 75th percentile for height. Our head circumference is 44.5 centimeters, which puts her in the 9oth percentile for her noggin.

Oh, we later made a repeat visit to the doctor after a face-first tumble to the floor. Sophie was fine but Mommy was a wreck.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Making friends

Sophie went to play with her new friends, Lauren and Evan Aliberti. She even got a kiss or two from Evan! Oh boy are they both going to be embarrassed when they are older!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Fun in Boston

We had a good time in Boston this weekend. We walked up and down Memorial Drive on Sunday while it was closed down to traffic, and we just stared at the trees and leaves. Then on Monday we went to the Stone Zoo north of Boston, and slept through almost all of it, but that's okay. I thought I saw my grandpa there, but it turned out to just be a sloth.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bling bling

Sophie received her first piece of jewelry (a gold bracelet that says "Sophia") a few months ago from Nel. Unfortunately, Sophie couldn't wear it because she was too small. Well, I am proud to say that because of massive growth spurts, Sophie is finally big enough to wear her bracelet. Grams must be so proud!

The Newest Stewart

This past weekend, the Stewart-Miranda clan went down to visit Grams, Gramps and their newest family member, a miss Mandy. Mandy is a Standard Schnauzer pup who is a mere 9 weeks old. She likes short walks on the beach, romantic meals of iams puppy food, and eating anything and everything in sight. Thus, much to her dismay, Sophie was not permitted to pet Mandy because of our fear of what Mandy's teeth would do to Sophie's skin.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Then and now

Sophia and Hunter, March 30 2007 (3 weeks old):

Sophia and Hunter, July 4 2007 (3 months 4 weeks):

Sophia and Hunter, August 20 2007 (5 months 2 weeks):

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Miss Babs

Well, Sophie now babbles. She makes "ba ba ba" sounds and spits a fine mist of saliva at the same time. She had a whole conversation with me that I am pretty sure ended with "servant, you may now place me in my exersaucer...NOW!"

With that said, the only video I caught of her babbling consisted of lots of crying, so instead I bring you her Pterydacty/Dolphin-sprechen. Beware, you may want to lower the volume on your computers for this one. Also, sorry for the crappy video quality... I recorded using the digital camera rather than the camcorder.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Does this mean we have to like baseball?

So, we have all finally arrived in the Boston area. Tim is back at work, being a goof and Liz and Sophia are learning the New England ropes. Sophia definitely remembered her paternal grand-parents and has been giving them nice smiles. Although, we're sure she'll miss her Grams' tasty fingers, especially her thumbs:

But, I ask an important philosophical question, does this now mean that we have to think that the Yankees suck and the Sox rule???

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Off to Church we go!

On Thursday, Sophia and Liz went to visit with Dave Church and his family. Liz has known Dave since she was about 7 years-old when he became her clarinet, and later, her saxophone teacher. He's one of her oldest friends. Sophia had a really good time while at the Church's and barely cried at all! She got to meet lots of nice new people (Dave, his wife Astrid, and their two sons, Harley and Jordan), meet two nice new doggies (Bella and Gracie), and got to go for a walk through her first forest!

After Sophia's visit to the Church's pad, she went to visit Grams and Gramps at their second house in Carmel, NY. There, she went swimming and almost enjoyed it. Alas, maybe next time she will actually smile went placed in a swimming pool.