Sophie had a very busy week. First, she ran a mid-range fever that got Mommy very nervous, so she went to the doctor and was told she had an ear infection. Sophie didn't mind too much though as she thinks her amoxycillin is very tasty.
Then, she had two new teeth break through her gum line. Now Sophie has 4 real toothususus and she will probably have 2 more by Thanksgiving!
In other growing up news, Sophie seems to have real baby babble words. When she says "Baba" she actually wants to drink from her bottle. And, when she says "Mmm Mmm" in exasperation, it means "I'm hungry, why haven't you fed me my solids yet. At least give a girl some cherrios!" We think she got this from Mommy who always says "Mmm Mmm" when feeding Sophie solids.
Finally, Sophie got to celebrate her very first Halloween! She spent it mostly napping, but she did get to hand-out some candy while dressed as her alter-ego, Supergirl. She had a good time, but Mommy and Daddy are regretting buying so much candy, especially Mommy.