Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pig Tails!

Ok, so one reason I took this shot could be that it is evidence that Sophie can feed herself several spoonfuls of yogurt before making a mess. But, in reality, it is a gratuitous pig tails shot. They are just so damn cute on her!

And another one from earlier this week where she looks like a little imp in need of a hug.
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Monday, July 28, 2008

Sophie had a moderately busy weekend. She went with Mommy and Daddy to a fifties diner with a great breakfast menu, she got to go to a duckless duck pond, she got to buy some new brightly colored shoes, she got to go see an animal reserve with all sorts of local and farm-related fauna, and she got to practice lots of walking. She's getting really good at walking with Mommy hold only one hand (just like a real kid). She also finally grew her hair out long enough for Mommy to put it into pig tails. Mommy is very excited!
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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sophie's first steps!

Sophie spent some time this weekend practicing walking for the first time ever. She took 3-4 steps at a time, mostly to try and get to mommy. Of course, then she realized crawling was much faster or got distracted by a cat, so she would drop to the floor.

We're very excited!

Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures or video of her walking yet, so instead, here's a picture of a bunny with a pancake on its head:

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Monday, July 14, 2008

Yup, she's a Stewart

Sophie has has many adventures these past few weeks. She went to Carmel, NY where she got to spend July4th with family and friends. She also developed a nasty fever, but had high spirits the whole time. Then, she came back from NY and had some good times at daycare, until she contracted a stomach-virus that left her with what the pediatrician called a "burned" tushy. Sophie's tush may be in recovery, but the habits she learned in NY with the Stewart clan will never go away. Her new favorite activity is watching obscene amounts of "Dora the Explorer" (complete with mini-tantrums when the tv is turned off and the word "no" is gently but sternly applied), eating snacks and drinking her yummy sippy cup all at the same time. A couch potato is born!
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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cousin Kevin

Cousin Kevin came into town this weekend to do manly football things. My dada explained to me that football is where a group of guys try to beat up 11 other guys and take their land from them (RIP George!). We found him very pleasant and liked sitting with him, playing with pretend vegetables.

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