Tuesday, September 30, 2008

new chair

I bought Sophie a new chair for the living room after it was evident that the arm chair her great grandma gave her was also loved by the cats...who are Destructors of Furniture, Inc. So, after a trial with a chair I knew the cats would hate, and it turned out Sophie did too, we made a second successful attempt with a Dora fold-out couch. Kila, as it turns out, actually had first dibs on the couch.

But, Sophie did get to sit in it and does seem to enjoy it.

With that said, here's a cute pic of Sophie immediately prior to kissing Kila on her side. For some reason, Kila actually puts up with the hours upon hours of Sophie screaming "Hi, kitty-cat!" and her going in for some rough petting and lots of kissies...two things any cat lover knows that cats generally hate. She's a good kitty even if she is a co-owner of Destructors of Furniture, Inc.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

a wee bit of video

Sophie has had a pretty busy week...her Grams, Gramps and canine aunties (Layla, Mandy and Peppi) came to visit. She also had her weekly playdate with her friend, Alex, went to Gymboree and kindermusik (which she has really taken to) and saw Skippy. Of course, Mommy is a forgetful photographer, so instead of pictures of any of these things, there is a video of Sophie talking a wee bit, blowing a few kisses, and walking a tiny bit. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Please compare this picture with Sophie's picture in the previous posting. Similar?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

18 month birthday!

Sophie had her 18 month doctor's appointment yesterday. She got two shots (DTaP and Hep A) and was very, very brave! Mommy also got all sorts of new measurements on Sophie:

weight = 26 pounds (50th percentile)*
length = 32 in (50th-75th percentile)*
head circumference = 48 cm (90th-95th percentile)*

*percentiles were derived from the 2005 CDC infant growth charts
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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sickie-poo and Walkies too

Sophie has had an interesting week. She started it off with a nasty fever and a sore throat. She did not sleep or eat for several days and made Mommy and Daddy sad and worried. But, she got better and will soon be her chirper self again.

With that said, Mommy took Sophie to see a large truck show in Burlington, MA on Sunday when Sophie kept complaining of boredom. Sophie had an OK time, but will probably have a great time when she goes back next year...especially because next year she might get to go with one of her boyfriends (Evan) who she missed out on this year because she was so sickie-poo in the early part of the day.

Sophie and Mommy have also started to occasionally go for walks down their street. Above is Sophie taking "baby" for a walk. She's such a good Mommy!
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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sophie the Model

Ok, not the greatest pose, but it was the only pic from Friday where she was looking at the camera. For any interested parties about the information to be discussed below, Sophie wore a turquoise blue short-sleeved top, a skirt that was half khaki and half flouncy fabric with white, blue and khaki flowers, her infamous pink sneakers, and a white bow in her hair.

So...way back in March, Tim and I paid to have some shots done of Sophie, a la....

well, the pics were so nice and she had such a good time, that we decided to act on the urging of our friend Nel to try to get Sophie into modelling. So, Liz looked online, figured out how to find a good agent, took Sophie to an open casting call, and suddenly Sophie had an agent. That was back in April. Well, Thursday, Sophie got a call to go to her very first casting call. It was very exciting for Mommy and Daddy. Mommy picked up Sophie early from daycare on Friday and drove Sophie all the way into South Boston where Sophie waited with many, many, many other children to have her picture taken by a professional photographer. This shot will be used to determine if she or one of the many, many, many other kids at the call will be used in an advertisement for a major brand. How cool is that? Mommy was very proud of Sophie because she had to wait 45 minutes on a very hot and muggy day, and Sophie did not get her clothes dirty or even cry very much at all. Yay, Sophie! Mommy hopes this means Sophie will do well on future casting calls too.
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