Since then, Sophie has also celebrated Channukah. She greatly enjoyed the candles burning and even got her own mini-Menorah. Her favorite part was lighting it each night. She also did not much mind all the presents.
Mommy and Sophie have also engaged in some mild baking lately. This has resulted in Mommy coming up with creative ways to give away cookies. During the time we made Chocolate chip oatmeal raisin cookies, Sophie greatly enjoyed stirring the batter. This weekend, we made sugar cookies and she greatly enjoyed eating the frosting that we used on them and dumping colored sugar everywhere. Her hands were green by the end! Next weekend, Mommy is thinking of trying peanut butter cookies with a hershey's kiss on-top (a co-worker recommended this). I just hope this kisses make it to the cookies! Sophie sure loves chocolate!

Last night Sophie went to a wonderful Channukah party where she ate lots of desserts. She told the hosts that she "had fun at the party. I liked the desserts".
So, Soph's been busy! Unfortunately, Mommy and Daddy briefly lost the camera, so there are not many pictures from this month.