Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sesame Street Live

Oh boy, did we have a great time at Sesame Street Live. Mommy got us great seats so we could see all the monsters really well with no one in front of us. They had all our favorite monsters, like "Melmo", Zoe, Bert and Ernie, Oscar ("Oscow"), Telly, And Grover ("Grovow").

They did all sorts of great dances, and sang a bunch of songs that I knew. Every time Elmo wasn't on stage, I said"Where Melmo go? Oh no! No melmo!" until he came back on stage.

At one point, Bert came out and did a very rousing impersonation of John Travolta:

We were mesmerized the whole night, and pretty much looked like this when we weren't clapping or shouting for Elmo:

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Busy week!

So, we had a very busy week. First, we went to New Rochelle where I was hugged and kissed ALOT by my cousin, Naomi. We also got to see all our aunts and uncles, but really, we only paid attention to Naomi. Then, we went to go see mommy's friends, the Fruchtmans. The one I know as "Mer" was very nice, but I really liked her sister Diane because she kept letting me play with her camera.

I also had a lot of fun at Grams' house because she let me try on all of her jewelry. I really like jewelry, especially the shiny stuff with large gemstones in it.

For New Year's I got to hang out with my friend Alex, his Mommy and her friends. I had a lot of fun and ate lots of chocolatey things. Mommy was afraid I would have a tummy ache. But, she also thought it was cute when I had a chocolate-induced goatee.

Mommy is celebrating her 29th birthday today. Grams and Gramps sent Mommy an edible bouquet with lots of chocolate-covered fruit. I enjoyed it alot.

Mommy also went out and had her hair cut. Daddy likes it a lot. Yay, everyone is happy!
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