From 2010-10-31 |
From 2010-10-31 |
From 2010-10-31 |
Tonight was Halloween. All day, Sophie asked when she could go trick-or-treating. Initially, Mommy distracted her by a trip to the park, then Daddy distracted her with a trip to see Grandma and Grandpa. Once the sun was mostly down (around 6:15pm), Daddy and Sophie went trick-or-treating and Mommy maintained the homestead and the sleeping baby. Sophie decided to go out tonight as Belle. She had a great time walking the neighborhood and even helped Mommy later hand out candy while sitting under blankets on our front stoop. By 8pm, Sophie was ready for bed, which is a bit early for her.
Penny missed the trick-or-treating, but she was awake for some of yesterday's party. So, in effect, she did get to experience Halloween this year too.
On a completely different matter,Penny smiled at Mommy twice today while awake. It was a beautiful thing and Mommy hopes to catch it with the camera soon. Even smiling, she still looks like Sophie did as a baby. :)