Tuesday, February 1, 2011

4 month appointment

Due to the snowmageddon that is upon us, Tim worked from home today and took Penny in to her 4 month doctor's appointment while Sophie was at school and Mommy was teaching.  Below are Penny's stats:

Height: 25.5 inches
Weight: 16 pounds, 3.6 ounces
Head Circumference: 42.5 centimeters

This places Penny squarely in the 75th-90th percentile range for all 3 categories, which is surprising since last time Penny was just about 50th.  And, here I thought I had a pip-squeak baby (and, I was enjoying it....I mean, aren't babies supposed to be tiny?).

Anyway, Penny apparently was a champ at her appointment, charming her doctor all the way through and braving her three injections like the warrior princess she is sure to be.  Did I mention that Daddy would like his girls to eventually be trained in a martial art?

In other news, Mommy and Sophie both had half days today because apparently the next ice age has decided to start and has focused its wrath on the New England, Mid-Atlantic and Mid-Western states.  Hopefully since we are supposed to still be in a global warming event, this will not mean a brutally hot summer (which is generally the trend, right fellow archaeologists?).  Here's hoping!!!

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