Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bling bling

Sophie received her first piece of jewelry (a gold bracelet that says "Sophia") a few months ago from Nel. Unfortunately, Sophie couldn't wear it because she was too small. Well, I am proud to say that because of massive growth spurts, Sophie is finally big enough to wear her bracelet. Grams must be so proud!

The Newest Stewart

This past weekend, the Stewart-Miranda clan went down to visit Grams, Gramps and their newest family member, a miss Mandy. Mandy is a Standard Schnauzer pup who is a mere 9 weeks old. She likes short walks on the beach, romantic meals of iams puppy food, and eating anything and everything in sight. Thus, much to her dismay, Sophie was not permitted to pet Mandy because of our fear of what Mandy's teeth would do to Sophie's skin.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Then and now

Sophia and Hunter, March 30 2007 (3 weeks old):

Sophia and Hunter, July 4 2007 (3 months 4 weeks):

Sophia and Hunter, August 20 2007 (5 months 2 weeks):

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Miss Babs

Well, Sophie now babbles. She makes "ba ba ba" sounds and spits a fine mist of saliva at the same time. She had a whole conversation with me that I am pretty sure ended with "servant, you may now place me in my exersaucer...NOW!"

With that said, the only video I caught of her babbling consisted of lots of crying, so instead I bring you her Pterydacty/Dolphin-sprechen. Beware, you may want to lower the volume on your computers for this one. Also, sorry for the crappy video quality... I recorded using the digital camera rather than the camcorder.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Does this mean we have to like baseball?

So, we have all finally arrived in the Boston area. Tim is back at work, being a goof and Liz and Sophia are learning the New England ropes. Sophia definitely remembered her paternal grand-parents and has been giving them nice smiles. Although, we're sure she'll miss her Grams' tasty fingers, especially her thumbs:

But, I ask an important philosophical question, does this now mean that we have to think that the Yankees suck and the Sox rule???