Monday, December 31, 2007

Sophie's First New Year

For New Year's, we all went down to New Rochelle, NY to visit with Liz' family and some of her friends. It was lots of fun. Although Sophie almost stayed up to New Year's day (she fell asleep at 11:53 pm), her favoritist part of the visit was visiting with Cousin Naomi for a late Chanukah feast. During her visit, she grabbed her cousin, pulled her toward her, and planted 4 extra large, big kissies on her face!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sophie's First Christmas

Sophie is finding that being half-Jewish and half-Christian definitely has its benefits! For Christmas, she went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house and got to have a tasty Christmas dinner (complete with some grown-up food) and then she got some more presents! She also got to spend some time with her cousin, Miranda, whom she thought extremely interesting.

Unfortunately, the day after christmas has not been as nice. Mommy thought there might be something wrong with Sophie, so she took her to the Pediatrician. Sophie was unpleased with the visit and insisted on screaming very loudly and becomming very sweaty with discontent. When the ordeal was over, Mommy found out that Sophie has yet another ear infection and now weighs 20 pounds 4 ounces! Anyway, Sophie is back on antibiotics. Poor Sophie!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

Body Movin'

Well, Sophie is finally popping up on her knees all by herself! We're hoping to see a nice tushy wiggling across the floor anytime now. Sophie just wants to figure out how to get to a kitty more quickly.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Our 3/4 Year Birthday!

Sophie turned 9 months old yesterday. She spent the day playing, running errands with Mommy, unwrapping even more Chanukah presents, and sleeping. Today, she went to the doctor and had her measurements taken. She also got her ear cleaned because it was waxy. She may never forgive Mommy or the Doctor for that indignity. She is also angry for the pinprick test for anemia and lead poisoning that occurred.

Anyway, her stats are:

a weight of 20 lb 9 ounces, which is between the 50th and 75th percentiles
a height of 29.25 inches, which is 90th percentile
a head circumference of 46.8 centimeters, which is 95th percentile

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Sophie's first Hanukkah

We had a lot of fun on the first night of Hanukkah. Mommy lit some candles, including the ones on our very own menorah, and we opened lots of presents!

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Holiday style

Here's the holiday decorations. I'll probably buy more lights for next year, but this at least is a start. Note the silly big blue ornaments hanging on the porch.

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