Saturday, June 27, 2009


Today Mommy brought home our new doggy, Roxie, who is supposed to be 8 months old, and is a mix of beagle and basset hound. SO far, she's awesome. Hopefully, when the cats come out of hiding, they will think so as well.

Here's some video:

Roxie's first day at our house from Tim Mir on Vimeo.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sophie sings her ABCs

Sophie singing her ABCs from Tim Mir on Vimeo.

Sophie's burning up the dance floor

sophie dancing from Tim Mir on Vimeo.

Mommy's new car

Mommy is very exciting because Daddy went out and got her new car on Saturday. Because Mommy was sick yesterday, she didn't get to drive it until Sunday morning, but she really loves it. It looks like the big sister to her old car. So far it looks like it will work very well for our growing family; we will be picking up grandpa and grandma this afternoon for a Father's Day outing to Summer Shack in it!

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Friday, June 5, 2009


Despite the lack of pics, Sophie has been very busy. She got to go to Evan's very exciting 4th birthday party, which included a trip to a local fire department. She got to pretend to drive the truck and even accidentally shut the garage door on several children and 2 firemen (luckily, no one got hurt).

Sophie has also started riding her tricycle, which Daddy excitedly bought her a few weeks ago. Almost everyday, she gets on her trike and has Daddy push her around the neighborhood. She got a Kettrike Air-Navigator TM Bike.

She also got a little pink helmet to wear while she rides it and a little bell she just needs to turn in order for it to ring. Hunter also is very excited by the trike since if both Mommy and Daddy are home, Hunter gets to go for a walk during all of Sophie's tricycle rides. Suffice to say, Hunter now equates the word "tricycle" with "walk"

This past week, Sophie got to see Daddy and his band (the Usual Suspects) perform at Kimball Farm's Cruise Night event. She really liked it. She danced for an entire set (nearly 45 minutes)! She also liked the cars. Unfortunately, Mommy tried to take Sophie to an animal display that was also there. And, Sophie, surprisingly, got upset. Mommy thinks it may have been something about the tent the display was in since Sophie NEVER turns down the chance to see animals! The night ended very well, with Mommy and Sophie sharing a giant butter pecan ice cream. Sophie kept saying "Mmm, yummy, is good..."